A Marian Pilgrimage in the South – Simala Church, Sibonga Cebu

The Holy Eucharist Church, in one way or another, usually plays a part during significant moments of the lives of so many Cebuanos.


Known as “Simala Church” in the province of Simala, Sibonga, the  church is never empty with devotees to the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To get there, board any bus that would pass by Sibonga in South Bus Terminal. The bus driver/conductor usually makes an announcement when you’re already in Sibonga. Ride a motorcycle to take you to Simala Church.

The Pilgrimage

The immediate thing that any guest would appreciate about Simala is its magnificent architecture. The church, in its castle-like structure boldly perches itself on a hill in perfect accent to the blue sky. Long steps of staircase wind, revealing a large statue of Mother Mary when you look farther ahead. As though symbolizing the spiritual journey that one takes to finally be standing before the Omnipotent God in His altar, I climbed the steps until I reach the entrance of the church.


the facade of the church


I witnessed people from different walks of life pay tribute to God and give respect to Mother Mary. College students in uniforms and usually coming to the church in groups light candles as they seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit during their board exams. People suffering from health conditions also say their prayers for recovery. The long list of people continues, with a number asking intercessions through mass/prayer requests to the monks.

I lined up to pay respect to the miraculous image of Mother Mary. Thanksgiving prayers and testimonials in the form of letters, wheelchairs, walkers, and varied memorabilia are displayed in an exhibit snaking through the same path that devotees follow to the altar. Once in the altar, I joined a large number of devotees, kneeling before the sacred image. There were many people but the solemnity of the place was perfectly observed.

On my way out from the altar, on the exit, I paced slowly to inspect the different images of Mother Mary. From the way the different images look, I found out that the image of Mother Mary changes depending on the country that pays tribute.

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The different look of the Blessed Virgin Mary may be a symbol of our humanity’s brotherhood and solidarity – that whatever the color, race or nationality, we are all one and the same.

Simala Church is a Catholic Shrine but it welcomes everyone from all walks of life, culture and religion.

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